Break the 200 Barrier Challenge . 2019 Edition

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“Break the 200” Challenge is a 5-day online challenge that will take you through keys to developing a healthy leadership.
There are important aspects of building community that can help you experience effective church growth and during this challenge we will dive into these core principles together.

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Raising up Emerging Leaders MasterClass

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Many of us are convinced that the Church is standing on the verge of what could be the greatest harvest of souls in human history. Yet if a billion souls will be coming to Christ, we desperately need to raise up a new breed of apostolic leaders who will plant churches and pioneer the new movements of the coming years. This Masterclass will include three guest presenters with proven apostolic leadership who will be sharing their God-given wisdom and experience of mobilizing emerging apostolic leaders.

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Transitioning from Pastoral to Apostolic MasterClass

Overview of the basic elements of making the crucial shift from a church that is primarily pastoral-focused (meeting needs and caring for people) to one that is primarily apostolic (training, mobilizing and sending people into their God-given calling in ministry). Both are important, but the apostolic focus needs to be primary, otherwise you end up with a “consumer” church in which people are mainly focused on getting their needs met. Michael also talks about the meaning of the word ecclesia, destiny finder, the historical context for the shift and more.

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Apostolic Vision and Mission MasterClass

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When Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave five distinct gifts and ministries to His Church. Each of these gifts represents a piece of the ministry of Jesus. In order for the church to be healthy and impactful, we must make sure that the leaders we are developing are functioning in these gifts according to God’s will and that we are developing ministries that deliver the results that each of these gifts promises.

Each of these gifts and ministries must be activated in the Church in dynamic balance and unity with one another. According to Ephesians 4:7-16, this is the key to the Church embodying the “measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

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Mobilizing Every Member for Ministry MasterClass

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This course covers the concept of the body of Christ and how each member must function for the whole body to be healthy. You will be introduced to the concepts of destiny discovery to help people understand their gifts and calling. You will also learn how to develop and mobilize each person for service in the church and the marketplace, according to their gifts and calling, for maximum fruitfulness and fulfillment.

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How to Create a Dynamic Church Culture MasterClass

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Who it’s for: Senior Leaders and Core Leadership Teams
Number of Videos: 5 videos
Average Length: 10 minutes per video
Topics: Culture is the most important factor shaping your church and is made up of the values, priorities and practices of the group. Learn how to develop culture in a healthy way, from the inside out, so it reflects your vision.

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How to Develop a Compelling Vision & Mission

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Who it’s for: Senior Leaders and Core Leadership Teams
Number of Videos: 5 videos
Average Length: 10 minutes per video
Topics: Learn how to develop your church vision and mission, have the correct motivations and engage members with momentum so that the church will multiply in a healthy way.

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How to Develop a Powerful Leadership Team

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Who it’s for: Senior Leaders
Number of videos: 5 videos
Average Length: 10 minutes per video
Topics: This course covers the core biblical principles of leadership and the key purpose of leaders, which is to equip the members for service. It also covers how to develop your core leaders, how to develop your secondary leaders, aligning the team with your vision, team assignments and team momentum.

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