How To Build a Pastoral Church:
Part Four
Who are you raising up? Who is your legacy? Look at your congregation and see which individuals have a pastoral calling. You could also use a gift assessment tool like the one we have at to help narrow down and identify the gifts and callings of individuals in your church.
As you preach on pastoral care and the shepherd’s heart, from time to time do “altar calls” for those who believe they are called to pastoral ministry. Begin to note who those individuals are, and gather them periodically and pour into them. Put them in positions of leadership that will highlight their gifting so they can be more impactful. Give them permission to function pastorally in their small groups and other ministry groups they may be involved.
Help people discover themselves as caregivers. There are people in your congregation who may be more “people oriented” than you, and they can be trained as connectors who create a sense of love, care and community in the church. Foster that kind of of relationship with your team.