The Bible is our hub, mandate and launching point; it is our constitution in the Kingdom of Heaven. It should dictate our vision. The Scriptures are our full and final authority on true faith and practice. All of us need to wrap our hearts around the Word of God and be transformed by His awesome truth.
The Following Three Steps Are How to Build Teaching Vision:
1. Celebrate the vision.
As a leader, have goals that will cause people to understand the power of the Word and bring them into right alignment with it. The Word needs to be celebrated again and again.
2. Show people what the future looks like.
Incorporate love for the Word deeply into your own life, and actively seek ways you and your team could fall more in love with God’s word.
3. Inspire people and make the vision a priority.
Spend time preaching about God’s Word and study it as a congregation, equipping your church to really delve into its truth. Celebrate the Word in personal areas of independent study, meditation and memorization. Inspire people and show them how powerful the Word of God can be in daily life.