In my 30 years of ministry, I’ve found five leadership tips that make a leader truly effective for the Kingdom.
Any leader who wants to see lasting fruit in their ministry needs to understand these truths and learn how to put them into practice. To help, I’ve created five leadership tips you can use as a reference.\
Leadership tips- #1 Leadership is Bleedership
True leaders pay a price so those they lead don’t have to.
Some think leadership means being the top dog with the most power and biggest paycheck. True leadership is actually the opposite. Jesus made a huge distinction between the leadership of the world and the Kingdom. He said, “The son of man came to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many,” because, “a good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” (Jn. 10:7-11) The Apostle Paul put it this way: “So then death is working in us, but life in you.” (2 Cor. 4:7-12)
Let’s embrace the challenges of leadership and propel the next generation to even greater heights.
Leadership tips – #2 Leadership is Seedership
True leaders are constantly planting the seeds of future harvests.
In the parable of the soils, Jesus likens the word of the Kingdom to seed planted by a farmer (Mt. 13, Luke 8:4-15). Leaders understand that future behavior is the harvest of present beliefs. Leaders envision a good future then plant seeds of truth to bring about the intended outcome.
You may need to plow and water, but always plant seeds of faith and hope to foster the future.
Leadership tips – #3 Leadership is Weedership
True leaders are constantly removing obstacles to future fruitfulness.
Leadership is like tending a garden. It not only requires plowing ground and planting seed, but the ongoing attention of a faithful caregiver who removes threats to growth and blessing. Jesus talked about weeds that crowd the good plants and steal nutrients. He identified these weeds as “the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches.”
A true leader constantly identifies and removes distractions and destructive influences that undermine the ability of those they lead to fulfill the purposes of God.
Leadership tips #4-Leadership is Breedership
True leaders always reproduce emerging leaders.
God’s strategy for stewarding the earth was to create family. “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.” (Gen. 1:26) The purpose of family is to reproduce new children, adults, and families. The same is true of the Kingdom. Jesus modeled a spiritual family and then commissioned us to “make disciples, teaching them to do everything I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:18-20)
Through the presentation of the gospel, we give birth to new disciples who grow into new leaders and new spiritual families, giving birth to new disciples.
Leadership tips #5- Leadership is Leavership
True leaders make room for emerging leaders to lead.
The true test of the power of Jesus’ leadership was the ability of his disciples to carry on the work after he left. Leaving forces emerging leaders to step up to a new level of maturity and responsibility.
My wife and I have seven children. I’ve had the joy of training seven teenagers to drive. At first, I’m behind the wheel, then I let them give it a try. After much trying and many mistakes they are ready to take the test. I step out of the car and they’re on their own.
The true test of leadership training is not how they perform in your presence but how they lead after you leave.
Feel free to get these (admittedly cheesy) rhymes stuck in your head, and put them into practice. Which areas do you feel most called to grow in? Do you have any areas that you think should be added?