Article by Teresa Chang
I am always amazed by the gifted teachers around me. I really admire how they are able to explain and apply concepts and scriptural truths so that they are deeply imprinted in your mind. My mom is a great example of this! She loves finding creative ways to teach Bible to our kids classes. I have another friend who is such a natural teacher that I once caught him teaching about how he teaches the Bible. When I think of all the teachers of Scripture around me, I am reminded of Jesus on the road to Emmaus. After He had appeared to two of his disciples and taught them from the Scriptures, they noted “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” – Luke 24:32 I find those church leaders gifted in teaching the Bible do just that; cause our hearts to burn within us with love for His Word and Truth.
Do you know who the gifted teachers are in your church? What can you do to engage with them and promote love for God’s Word among your people?
Unfortunately, teachers don’t always survive well in prophetic environments because they love the Word of God so much and can become offended if Scripture seems to be undervalued. We encourage you to look for these people. Celebrate them and pull them up to a new level of participation.
Bible schools and seminaries exist primarily for those who are called to teach—they train teachers. Obviously, not every teacher has to go to seminary, but we recommend that those who are called to teach consider doing so because of the strong foundations these schools can lay in the teacher’s gift and spiritual abilities.