Each person is designed differently, and as you learn more about yourself you can grow, adapt and impact others in more meaning ways. Whether you realize it or not, everyone has basic ways we function that are part of our divine design. Your personality and “wiring” will affect how you lead, regardless of the context.
This assessment has five simple questions and the results indicate which of the five biblical ministries of Ephesians 4 your style of leadership is most aligned with. We see the gifts in Ephesians 4:11 as the full ministry of Jesus. We focus on function and fruit not position or title. When we say that you are an apostolic leader, or a prophetic leader – we are not calling you an apostle or prophet, rather we are saying that your leadership traits are similar to other prophets and apostles that are mentioned in the Bible.
This is one more step on your journey and the results are meant to point you to the Bible and help you discover more about how God made you and how you lead best.
Are you ready?