Millennial Ministry MasterClass

Most of us are living in anticipation of the next wave of REVIVAL that will sweep the Body of Christ and bring forth a new harvest of souls. One of the clearest stats of previous revivals demonstrates that in every harvest, the vast majority of those who commit their lives to Jesus, will be under 30 years old.

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Marketplace Ministry MasterClass​

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During this MasterClass we will look at how as pastors we can help our marketplace leaders to thrive and engage in their calling with a Kingdom-first mindset. Ministry life happens on our daily business and as we shift our approach to the marketplace God will expand our reach and grow our community.

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Evangelism Kingdom-Style MasterClass

Are you evangelizing Kingdom-style? Some people forsee a billion soul harvest in the coming years – are you ready? I mean, what if your church quadrupled in size in the next month…can you handle it? And how will we reach these billion souls?

Michael Brodeur is a coach to pastors worldwide. He’s also a key strategic thinker who brings a practical but apostolic perspective to church growth.

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